Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Megamorphix 2x4x4A 2x4x4 in shape of a Reuleaux Tetrahedron.
Melty AOne out of a series of geometries with 6 axes but at 85 degrees to each other. This one is symmetric like a corner piece of a regular 3x3x3.
Melty BOne out of a series of geometries with 6 axes but at 85 degrees to each other. This one has just one rotational symmetry.

Melty COne out of a series of geometries with 6 axes but at 85 degrees to each other. This one has just one mirror symmetry.
Melty DOne out of a series of geometries with 6 axes but at 85 degrees to each other. This one has just five rotational symmetries.
Menger WannabeA shape variant inspired and named after the 2nd iteration of the menger sponge.

Mercedes Cube IIIThe edge turning version of the Mercedes cube.
Mercedes TetrahedronAnother variant of the Rainbow Cube, this time in the shape of a tetrahedron.
Meta CubeCubes made out of tiles, taken from Rubik's Magic, rewired to create a 3D version of Rubik's Magic.

Methane CubeA 4x4x4 with four 3x3x3s attached.
Milwaukee Brewers 2018 Fan GiveawayAdvertising for the professional baseball team.
Mimic CubeA 6x6x6 in camouflage that pretends to be a 5x5x5.

Mini 2x3x3A 3D printed 2x3x3 with cubies of 10 mm.
Mini 5x5x5 (truncated)A mass produced 5x5x5 truncated on all five sides so that it ends up with a strange face pattern.
Mini ClockA smaller version of Rubik's Clock with just 4 clocks.

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