Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Preserving)
Super Simple Overlapping Cube (8 colours)A Simple Overlapping Cube stickered like he 8 Colour Cube
Super Six SpotThe mass produced version with two different custom sticker scheme to expose the orientations of the circles.
Super Six Spots PlusA corner turning hexahedron. Similar to the Skewby Duo but with a different outer cut pattern and stickers to indicate the orientation of the centres.

Super XThe first puzzle with a hybrid axis system. This combines face turning and corner turning hexahedron in one puzzle.
Super Z (Skewb + 2x2x2)A hybrid between 2x2x2 and skewb. Two deepcut axis systems in one puzzle.
TIE CubeA 3x3x3 resembling the TIE fighters from Star Wars. Due to its pieces shapes it implements a subgroup of the 3x3x3.

Tangram CubeA triangular prism transformed into a cube but with six identically looking sides.
TempestA skewb painted to resemble a maze and the works of Kandinsky.
Tins CubeA corner turning hexahedron which combines 4 corners rotating like a Dino cube with 4 corners rotating like a Redi cube and two cuts per axis.

Treasure SkewbThe concept of the Treasure Chest adapted to a Skewb.
Tribute (Dino) CubeA 3D printed Dino Cube customly assembled by future owners during IPP 31.
Trinity SkewbA cube with three types of turns taken from the skewb, a shallower corner turn and the Curvy Copter.

Trinocular SkewbA Professor Pyraminx in shape of a cube.
Triple SkewbA skewb built around a Multi-Skewb.
Trivial SkewbA skewb with the additional ability to turn the corners, making the puzzle trivial.

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