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Tins Cube
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A corner turning hexahedron which combines 4 corners rotating like a Dino cube with 4 corners rotating like a Redi cube and two cuts per axis.

The creation of this model is a response to the proposal made by Leszek
(on behalf of 조현준, who is the creator of this idea) in the twistypuzzles forum:
“New concept - Tins Cube”
After seeing it for the first time the designer considered is as a kind of master of the Dino+Redi cube model which he had already built in 2021, since each cutting plane is now duplicated.
Solvingwise the puzzle is almost identical to the Fadi Cube.
Piece type signature: HC4[C1.0/ E0.3 W3.3][C1.0]
Printed in PETG plastic
Edge length: 60 mm
Weight: 180 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: francisco bedmar alvarez.


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