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Six-Sided: Cuboid
Bűvős Dominó (blue packages)Blue package variants for the Domino from the original cube craze.
Cadejo CubeA 3x3x3 transformed into a strange cuboid
Calvins Cuboid Series (I-Cube)A 3x3x3 with one side extended with an additional rotating layer. Member of a whole series similar to the Crazy Plus 3x3x3s.

Calvins Cuboid Series (Trio Cube)A 3x3x3 with three sides extended with an additional rotating layer. Member of a whole series similar to the Crazy Plus 3x3x3s.
Case Cube (Box Cube)An extended version of the "Octagon/Cube".
Case Cube (Cuboid)Elongated Fisher Cube made by Jean-Claude Constantin and rebuilt by Tony Fisher.

Casper the Floppy GhostA 1x2x3 ghost cube.
Cheese 1x2x3A Cheese elongated by four additional pieces.
Cheese BlockA prism with 3 layers, 14 segments and the shape of a cuboid.

Chocolate DonutLooks like Void Domino but works differently.
ChopoidA hybrid puzzle combining a 1x2x2 and a Helicopter cube printed on a FDM machine.
ChopsticksA mass produced 1x2x9 produced for Mefferts Jade Club.

Christmas DominoA cheap taiwanese Domino with two christmas based motives on its two sides
Circle 1x2x3A 1x2x3 with circles in the small faces. This doesn't change the puzzle but looks fascinating.
Circle FloppyThe "Circle" or "Crazy"-variant of the Floppy Cube.

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