Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Square-1 Mirror BarrelA Square-1 bump and transformed into a cylinder.
Square-1 mirror ballA Square-1 bumped and in shape of a sphere.
Square-2 BarrelCylindrical version of the Square-2 Shift.

Square-2 Shift CubeA Square-2 with a non-skewed central cut but put in midturn
Squid GameShowing three figues and three heads from the series
Squirtle pokemon 2x2x2A 2x2x2 transformed and painted into a character from the pokemon franchise.

Stack CubeA sticker variant of the 3x3x3 resembling a stack of Jenga bricks.
Star PlatypusAn enhanced version of the Q-Platypus. With three additional cuts per face.
Star StormYet another face turning associahedron. Nine axes, three of them doctrinaire.

Stargate SG1A bandaged megaminx customly painted with images of the tv series of the same name.
Steinie˛Advertises for a german craft beer.
Sun Cube IILooks like a Sun Cube but uses a completely different axis system.

Sun CuboidAn octagonal prism with three layers.
Super 4x4x6A 4x4x6 with super stickers, made for the 10th anniversary of the mass produced version.
Super Crazy 3x3x3A Crazy 3x3x3 without the inner corners but with super stickers that do not change anything in the solution.

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