Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Barrel Skewb IIA skewb in shape of a cylinder with slightly skewed axis system.
BarrelkilominxA Kilominx transformed like a Barrelminx, a truncated double cone.
Bat (2D with floating or ghost axes)A 2D puzzle with floating or ghost axes.

BauhiniumTwo intersecting circles of different sizes with rotatable in two or five steps respectively.
Bauhinium PlusThree intersecting circles of different sizes with rotatable in two or five steps respectively.
Bent 2x2x3A bandaged 2x2x3 in a surprising shape.

Bent 2x3x3A bandaged 2x3x3 in a bent shape.
Bent 3x3x3 ConcaveA bandaged 3x3x3 in a bent shape and concave cuts.
Bent 3x3x3 ConvexA bandaged 3x3x3 in a bent shape and convex cuts.

Bent 3x3x3 FlatA bandaged 3x3x3 in a bent shape and straight cuts.
Bent 3x3x3 MixA bandaged 3x3x3 in a bent shape and both concave and convex cuts.
Bent 4x4x5A bandaged 4x4x5 in a bent shape.

Bermuda HexThree intersecting circles with irregular centers.
Beta6The concept of the Beta Cube applied to a 6x6x6.
BiRaptorThe Lotica with two additional piece types.

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