Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

6-layer face turning octahedronA face turning octahedron with six layers.
6x6x6 Fisher CubeA 6x6x6 is fishered which means it was turnd inside its solid by 45°.
6x6x6 Mastermorphix Cube IllusionPieces exchanged between a 6x6x6 and its tetrahedral cousin.

6x6x6 Mastermorphix in a CubePieces exchanged between a 6x6x6 and its tetrahedral cousin, affecting only the face pieces of the 6x6x6.
6x7x8A truncated 8x8x8 with 3D printed extensions.
7x7x11An 11x11x11 bandaged and extended into a cuboid.

7x8x9A truncated 9x9x9 with 3D printed extensions bandaged into a 7x8x9.
8 Corners DodecahedronThe idea of the 4 Corners Cube to a dodecahedron.
8 tumbadoNine pieces and one hole on two rotating circles.

8x8x8 AI CubeTh concept of the AI Cube implemented with a 8x8x8 as base.
9P-ringNine intersecting circles turning in steps of 90�.
9x9x11A 11x11x11 bandaged and extended into a cuboid.

9x9x9 TwistA 9x9x9 modified like the Twist Cubies.
A3A 2-layered triangular prism that pretends to be the friendly, kind and playful face of Antena3 a spanish television channel.
AI Cube MDFA bandaged 4x4x4 covered with laser cut wooden pieces.

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