Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Tooth 2x2x2A 2x2x2 inflicting terror onto everybody fearing a dentist.
TraoctrixA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and octagonal pieces.
Trapen-KrystShaped as the Trapentrix but with only one of its turns, the other being an edge turn.

Tri-Blade PropsThree intersecting circles, one with 180�, two with 120�
Tri-TricleSix intersecting circles with one piece between each pair of adjacent circles.
TriPieA puzzle with two circles and a plunger which can exchange pieces between the circles. The circles are split in segments of six with arrows on one side.

TriZebron CubeA cube with white and grey triangles laid out in diagonal stripes around the puzzle.
Triakis Tetrahedron Master PentultimateA Master Pentultimate in shape of the namegiving catalan solid.
Triamese 2x2x2 MDFThe middle part of a Triamese 2x2x2 (implemented as bandaged 2x2x2) covered with laser cut wooden pieces.

Triangle Cube IIA 3x3x3 covered with colourful triangles.
TrickheartA ellipsoidal cousin of the Trickhaus
Trident CubeA 3x3x3 stickered to show tesselating tridents on four faces.

TridorlaA bandaged variant of Calendula.
Tridorla PlusA bandaged variant of Calendula V.
Trilotica V1Two intersecting circles, one with 180�, one with 120�

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