Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Curvy DinoBramThe DinoBram without overhang bandaging and central corners made visible.
D'cubex 091 (Bronze Manx)A 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic character skewed and with a square head.
D'cubex 092 (Duox)A 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic two-headed character.

D'cubex 094 (Ojoux)A 2x2x2 handmodified into surrealistic art.
D'cubex 095 (Equilibriumx)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into surrealistic art, representing balance.
D'cubex 096 (Gallox)A 2x2x2 handmodified into surrealistic rooster

D'cubex 097 (Camale�nx)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into surrealistic chameleon.
D'cubex 099 (Jirafa Duox)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into a combination of Duox and Jirafax
D'cubex 103 (impacbluex)A 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic blue figure.

D'cubex 104 (Calamarx)A pyraminx handmodified into a fear-inducing design.
DaYan Gem 10Looks like Gem I but has a hybrid axis system with one additional type of turn.
Dali EggAn egg customly painted, inspired a painting from Salvador Dali.

Deeper DoderhombusThe Master Little Chop transformed into a face turning puzzle.
Dennys Bandaged Cube 1A bandaged 3x3x3 with six bonds in three blocks.
Dennys Bandaged Cube 2A bandaged 3x3x3 with ten bonds in three blocks.

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