Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Mirror Hollow Horror PillowA 9 cm cube covered with 3D extensions to give it three different solutions.
MitsugoTwo intersecting circles, one with 180�, one with 120�
MomiaA 2x2x2 shaped like the head of a mummy.

Mondrian 3x3x3A Bump Cube with standard-coloured stickers, resembling arts of Piet Mondrian.
Mondrian TwistA Beveling Axis Cube customly painted with an abstract art inspired by Piet Mondrian.
MontanaTwo circle of different sizes, rotating in 90° and 180°.

Montana PlusThree circles of different sizes, rotating in 90° and 180°.
Morty head 2x2x2A 2x2x2 transformed and painted into Morty Smith, a main character from Rick & Morty.
Multicoloured Marguerite (2D with floating or ghost axes)A 2D puzzles with floating or ghost axes.

Muñeco 3x3x7A 3x3x7 customly modified into a snowman.
Nazarí SkewbA puzzle that uses cuts deeper than the origin, with 4 axes and many ways to interpret it.
Nonacross pentaemperor hexadecagonal prismA 6x6x6 transformed into an octagonal barrel, stickered in 16 columns.

Numbers Cube 4x4x4A 4x4x4 covered and solved by numbers.
Nusakan15 mm and just 3 grams
Octa-XAn X-Cube in shape of an octagonal prism.

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