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Multicoloured Marguerite (2D with floating or ghost axes)
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A 2D puzzles with floating or ghost axes.

The development of these puzzles is due to my enthusiasm for the ideas in the forum thread “WIP: Penrose Twist” posted by Oskar back in July 2019.
Nathaniel proposed the possibility of working with a variant of Penrose tiles called “tie and navette”, which could be mechanically simpler.
Fourth member of a family of 4 2D puzzles, with floating or ghost axes.
Derivatives of “tie and navette” (a variation of Penrose tiles).

Quoting Nathaniel again:
"the Multicoloured Marguerite has at least 20 discovered grips - 10 of each of the two types that are shown in the pictures - which makes 31 grips in total when added to the 11 that are present in the solved state. But are there any other hidden grips besides those ones, or can we show that those 31 grips are the only ones it has?"

Printed in PETG plastic
Diameter of the grip circumference: 40 mm
Maximum outer Diameter: 125 mm
Height: 7 mm
Weight: 60 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: francisco bedmar alvarez.


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