Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Kogai Rubik'sA 3x3x3 with tiles inspired by copperware.
Koopa shell Blue 2x2x2A 2x2x2 transformed and painted into a shell known from Mario Kart.
Koopa shell green 2x2x2A 2x2x2 transformed and painted into a shell known from Mario Kart.

Krystian’s BarrelKrystian’s Barrel is a shape transformation of the Krystian’s Twist.
L-Copter PlusThe ComboCopterPlus heavily truncated (or bandaged) like the Open Bandage
Laberinto 2x4x4A white 2x4x4 with a hamilton path, a line meeting every piece once.

Lapis V1The Bermuda 3.5 with deeper cuts.
Lapis V2The Bermuda Flower with deeper cuts.
Largest 4x4x4 (305 mm)A 4x4x4 with cubies larger than a standard 4x4x4.

Latch Compy CubeA Compy Cube with round cuts and latch that block some turns.
LemonsTwo intersecting circles with different step lengths and different sizes.
Leonidas (unbandaged)Four intersecting circles with five rings and four different possible turns.

Lightning Hex PrismA skewb in shape of a hexagonal prism. Top and bottom layers are twisted by around 40° in opposite directions.
Lilac OctahedronA face-turning elongated square bipyramid. Twelve axes, eight of them jumbling only.
Linked ButterfliesA Crazy Rhomdo in the shape of a Truncated Rombohedron in which all rhombics faces remain the same.

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