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Linked Butterflies
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A Crazy Rhomdo in the shape of a Truncated Rombohedron in which all rhombics faces remain the same.

This puzzle is inspired on the one hand by the political situation (crisis on the ucrainian-russian border) and on the other by the famous slogan born in the 60s “Make Love not War” which was first used by those who opposed the Vietnam War and which later had continuity in the social movements that were born after the convulsive year 68 and among cultural movements such as the hippie movement.
The inventor decided to make this metaphor in which three pairs of butterflies appear surrounding the solid, wanting that from their naivety and naturalness they keep alive for us the message “Make Love not War”.
From the point of view of geometry, it is no more than a modification of the shape of the Crazy Rhomdo by Evgeniy Grigoriev or of the “Butterflies” model, with a Trapezo-Rhombic Dodecahedron Core Through Layer 1, in a Dürer’s solid (a truncated rhombohedron), which has been the best suited to develop the idea, after trying other solids.
Printed in PETG plastic
Edge length: 68 mm
Weight: 212 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: francisco bedmar alvarez.


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