Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Fractured curvy dino rhombic triacontahedronA rhombic triacontahedron with a hybrid axis system and fractured turns on twenty axes.
Fractured curvy dino rhombic triacontahedron V2A rhombic triacontahedron with a hybrid axis system and fractured turns on twelve axes.
Framed TrunkA hybrid puck with a cylindrical Ghost 1x2x2, 2 layers and 12 outer parts.

Freddy KruegerA 2x2x2 in shape of the head of Freddy Krueger.
Fused ConcentricubeA fused puzzle made of three 3x3x3s and stickered as an extended version of the Concentricube.
Fused Double Crazy CubeA Double Crazy Cube bandaged like the Fused Cube.

G-Shock - CubeA Rubik's Cube accompanying the wrist watch with a Rubik's theme.
G-Shock ClockLimited Edition GAE-2100RC-1AER
Gates of MordorA bandaged 5x5x5 with images inspired by "Lord of the rings"

Gear 1x2x2The Polo Gear Cube scaled down to a 1x2x2.
Gear 2x3x3A 2x3x3 transformed into its cousin with gears.
Gear Cube JuniorA cousin of the Gear Cube, designed to be simple but not trivial.

Gear Master Pentultimate BallA Master Pentultimate redesigned with gears inside the X-pieces.
Gear Master Skewb BallA Gear Skewb redesigned into the shape of a sphere.
Gear MegaminxA new concept for the Gear Megaminx with one gear per face and one per edge.

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