Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cuboid
Splitted 2x2x4A Masterball transformed into a fully proportional 2x2x4.
Spooky Windmill TowerA 3x3x3 shapemod which looks like a windmill cube but has swapped faces so that one face needs to be turned before the others are able to move.
Square-1 FloppyA stickerless truncated into a flat cuboid.

Square-1 Youtube Play ButtonThis Play Button was made by 3d printing extensions and gluing them to a Square-1.
Square-1.25A square puzzle looks like a square-1, but with one quarter of the square-2.
(1+1+1+2)/4 = 1.25.
Square-1.5A different square (2+1)/2 = 1.5
Unlike the Square-1 1/2 four of the broader pieces were split.

Square-1.75A square puzzle looks like a square-2, but with one quarter of the square-1.
(2+2+2+1)/4 = 1.75.
Squashed SkewbDespite looking like a Skewb, this puzzle does not have its axis system or shape.
Squashed Skewb PlusA Squashed Skewb with four additional edge turns.

Stainless Steel 2x2x3This is a custom 2x2x3 welded and fabricated out of 1/8" stainless steel, nuts and bolts.
Stealth 3x4x5The concept of the Camouflage Cube applied to a 5x5x5 which now pretends to be a 3x4x5.
Stellar CrossThe Stellar Cross is a stellated cuboctahedron shaped puzzle with 7 throughgoing axes of rotation and 3 different types of turns.

Straight 1x2x3The simplest jumbling-only geometry reshaped into a cuboid and unbandaged.
Sun CuboidAn octagonal prism with three layers.
Super 1x2x3A try to make a 1x2x3 more difficult.

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