Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Other Shapes: Other
Sphere In CubeCross between Rubik's Cube and Rubik's Sphere. Hand crafted mutation cube.
SphereCubeA 4x4x4 combined with the sphere of the same mechanism.
Spiral CubeA 3x3x3 which still has 6 sides but an additional twist. It lies somewhere between a 3x3x3 and a Fisher Cube.

Square-1 CakeA handbuilt puzzle shaped like stacked cylinders. Its building required several techniques.
Square-1 CrushedA Square-1 after one turn and then transformed into a shape as if it was squeezed.
Squished Fisher CubeA ''Crazy Fisher Cube'' modified to look squished.

Staircase CubeModified 2x2x2 cube with extra pieces glued on to form staircase shape.
Star BarrelA 3x3x3 in a shape similar to a barrel. Made as an exercise in casting.
Star PlatypusAn enhanced version of the Q-Platypus. With three additional cuts per face.

StarpadA Dino dodecahedron more than cut in half. Five out of twenty axes remain.
StarseedA 3x3x3 customly modified to look as if it is torn in opposite directions.
StarwingThis is a modification of a 3x3x3 with concave shapes matching two sides in two.

Stellated Pyraminx IThis version has six attachments per face.
Stellated Pyraminx IIThis version has three attachments per face.
Stickered TripodA Platypus dyed and stickered to change the look into that of a classic puzzle.

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