Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

4x4x4 AI Esférico HollowAn AI Cube shaped like a sphere, achieved by cage-like extensions.
4x4x4 Axis Cube in a CubePieces exchanged between a 4x4x4 and its axised cousin but only the face pieces.
4x4x4 Copter TowerThe master version of the Copter Tower

4x4x4 Icosahedron GhostA 4x4x4 transformed into a Ghost Cube and an icosahedron at the same time.
4x4x4 Kakuro CubeA 4x4x4 stickered with six different Kakuro puzzles, one for each face.
4x4x4 Twist Mirror CubeA bumped 4x4x4 with three spirals

4x4x4 bandaged 100000100000000C00408A 4x4x4 bandaged with three blocks.
4x5x6 (truncated)A fully functional cuboid hand made from a 6x6x6.
5-layer face turning octahedronA face turning octahedron with five layers with almost proportional pieces.

5x5 ClockA larger version of Rubik's Clock with 25 clocks in a square pattern and 16 knobs.
5x5x5 Christmas TreeA 5x5x5 transformed into the shape of a christmas tree.
5x5x5 Octagonal BarrelA 5x5x5 truncated into an octagonal prism.

5x5x5 Rhombic Dodecahedron ghost cubeA ghosted 5x5x5 in shape of a Rhombic Dodecahedron.
5x5x5 split floppy big centerA 5x5x5 bandaged on the two centers and truncated as if two layers were missing.
5x7x9 dipyramidA 5x7x9 trauncted into to the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid

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