Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Solar System - UranoA spherical 3x3x3 painted like the planet Uranus
Solar System - VenusA spherical 3x3x3 painted like the planet Venus
Space MarineA Flying Shuttle, customly painted with motives from Warhammer 40K.

Speed spin TriangleSix circles of moving marbles on two sides with five rotations.
Sphere 3x3x5A 3x3x5 reprinted into the shape of a sphere.
SpicaTwo intersecting circle turning by 45°, without jumbling.

SpidermanA 2x2x2 in shape of Spidermans head.
Spinner cube Double-sidedA spinner toy combined with a reduced variant of the Back Spin.
SplatA hexagonal dipyramid 3x3x3 customly coloured like two splats of colour.

Sprout TetrahedronSix axes on a tetrahedron, three of them jumbling only.
Square SixA Star prism in shape of a cube.
Square share cubeA 3x3x3 sticker mod in which the faces share similar edges and corners with the other faces.

Square-1 AntiprismaA Square-1 transformed into the shape of a square antiprism.
Square-1 CrushedA Square-1 after one turn and then transformed into a shape as if it was squeezed.
Square-1 FloppyA stickerless truncated into a flat cuboid.

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