Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Planar Rex KeychainTwo intersecting circles with only one piece in the intersection.
Platypus ClassicA classic six-colour sticker-mod for the classic Platypus corner-turning puzzle.
Pnp-11Pnp-11 is the fourth member of the P.N.P. family designed as Pucks with a prime number of pieces.

Pnp-11 (2 Layers)The variant of Pnp-11 with 2 layers.
Pnp-13Pnp-13 is the fifth member of the P.N.P. family designed as Pucks with a prime number of pieces.
Pnp-13 (2 layers)The variant of Pnp-13 with 2 layers.

Pnp-3Pnp-3 is the first member of the P.N.P. family designed as Pucks with a prime number of pieces.
Pnp-3 (2 layers)The variant of Pnp-7 with 2 layers.
Pnp-5Pnp-5 is the second member of the P.N.P. family designed as Pucks with a prime number of pieces.

Pnp-5 (2 layers)The variant of Pnp-5 with 2 layers.
Pnp-7Pnp-7 is the third member of the P.N.P. family designed as Pucks with a prime number of pieces.
Pnp-7 (2 layers)The variant of Pnp-7 with 2 layers.

Pocket 7x7x7 IIA 7x7x7 bandaged and stickered to make it look like a Pocket Cube, but with 3x3x3s.
Pocket 9x9x9A 9x9x9 bandaged and stickered to make it look like a Pocket Cube.
Pocket Quatrium PlusThree intersecting circles, rotatable in four steps.

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