Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Pentacle EggA Pentacle Cube transformed into the shape of an egg.
Pentacle Mirror HorrorA bumped Pentacle Cube, with stickers that give it two solutions.
Pentacopter 10The pentagonal cousin of the Hexacopter 12.

Pentacopter PlusA face turning pentagonal dipyramid in shape of a dodecahedron.
Pentaemperor hexadecagonal prismA proportional 36x54x54 barrel done with straight cuts. To prevent curved cuts many pieces were bandaged which transformed the puzzle into a 4x4x4.
PentagleFive intersecting circles with just one piece in the intersection.

PentoidA deeper cut pentagonal prism with three layers.
Pentoid PlusA deeper cut pentagonal prism with three layers. The middle layer is cut into twenty segments.
Pentultimate Deltoidal HexecontahedronA transformation of a pentultimate in the shape of a deltoidal hexecontahedron, a catalan solid.

Petal PerplexA 2x2x2 plus a face turning tetrakis hexahedron plus some turns only possible in midturn. All in shape of a cube.
Phantom Square-1A Square-1 redesigned with a twist inside its solid and some measures to hide the changes.
PiccoloA 2x2x2 redesigned to resemble the character from the Dragonball franchise.

PilinxA Megaminx in shape of a pill.
Pink Floyd albumsA Windmill Wall Cube covered with album covers from Pink Floyd.
Planar Rex IIA reimplemented rashkey with two sides and two solutions.

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