Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

OctoChairThe Dino Octa restricted to just two faces.
OctoCrystalEight intersecting circles, turnable by 45° which allows additional rotations if in the correct permutation.
OctoCrystal PocketThree intersecting circles, turnable by 45° which allows additional rotations if in the correct permutation.

Offset Clover PyraminxA Flying Shuttle, customly painted with motives from Warhammer 40K.
OlympiumFive intersecting circles rotatable in four steps.
Orlov TwoTwo circles and irregular center pieces.

Panda 2One 6-fold rotation and two 3-fold rotations with pieces in three colours.
PeacockTwo intersecting rings (not circles) of pieces turning in steps of eight. A jumbling puzzle.
Penrose 2x2x2 HorrorThe Horror Cube implemented with a 2x2x2 and shape like s Penrose Cube.

Penrose 3x3x3 HorrorThe Horror Cube implemented with a 3x3x3 and shape like s Penrose Cube.
Pent-1The concept of the Square-1 implemented with a pentagonal prism.
Penta Mixup PlusThe Penta Mixup with the equatorial faces turnable by 90°.

Penta TrapA Starminx bandaged and extended into a pentagonal trapezohedron.
Penta WindmillThe cousin of the Windmill puzzle with five arms.
PentaPieA puzzle with two circles and a plunger which can exchange pieces between the circles. The circles are split in segments of ten.

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