Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Mini void 3x9x15 soap barA balloid/ellipsoid in 3 dimensions.
Mini void tetracross 6x18x18 tabletA 6x6x6 truncated into a cylinder, stickered as if it were a 12x18x18.
Minions Rubik's CubeSix coloured sides with the little fellows and one side with the symbol of GRU.

Mirror 2-Layer Rounded Cheese CakeThe bumped variant of the Cheese (deepcut trigonal prism with two layers).
Mirror 2-Layer Super Square-1The bumped variant of the 2 Layer Super Square-1.
Mirror 2x7x9A cuboid of very odd order.

Mirror 3x3x4 BarrelA bumped version of a 3x3x4 in shape of a cylinder.
Mirror 3x3x7A bumped cousin of the 3x3x7 with some additional turns.
Mirror Camouflage 2x2x3A Camouflage 2x2x3 recreated as a Bump puzzles

Mirror Camouflage 2x3x3A Camouflage 2x3x3 recreated as a Bump puzzles
Mirror Camouflage 2x3x4A Camouflage 2x3x4 recreated as a Bump puzzles
Mirror Camouflage 2x4x4A Camouflage 2x4x4 recreated as a Bump puzzles

Mirror Camouflage 3x3x3A Camouflage 3x3x3 recreated as a Bump puzzles
Mirror Camouflage 3x3x4A Camouflage 3x3x4 recreated as a Bump puzzles
Mirror Camouflage 3x4x4A Camouflage 3x4x4 recreated as a Bump puzzles

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