Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Heptacopter 14The heptagonal cousin of the Hexacopter 12.
HexaPieA puzzle with two circles and a plunger which can exchange pieces between the circles. The circles are split in segments of twelve.
Hexagon-2A Square-1 in shape of a hexagonal prism with 18 segments per layer.

Hexagonal Dipyramid SofaA hexagonal dipyramid 3x3x3 combined with the Sofa Cube.
Hexagonal curvy copterA Curvy Copter redesigned into the shape of a hexagonal prism.
HexagrammThe Hex Domino reimplemented in a star-like design.

Hexplate 2Three circles, turning in two, six and two steps.
Hollow(ish) MastermorphynxThe Mastermorphynx remade with hollowed out pieces.
Horror 2x4x4A 4x4x4 bandaged into a 2x4x4 and stickered to give it two solutions.

HyperballAn extension of the 3x9x15 soap bar.
IbarraA two layered cheese made to celebrate a brand of chocolate from Mexico.
Ico_PrideA small modification of the shape of an icosamate that is intended as a gesture in favour of freedom, diversity and tolerance.

Icosahedron SkewbA skewb transformed into an icosahedron but with tilted axis system.
Icosidodecahedron Master PentultimateA Master Pentultimate in shape of the namegiving archimedean solid.
Icositetraedro PentagonalA Skewb transformed into the shape of an Pentagonal icositetrahedron, a catalan solid.

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