Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Gengar VenomA 2x2x2 redesigned to resemble the character from the Pokemon franchise.
Gengar pokemon 2x2x2A 2x2x2 transformed and painted into a character from the pokemon franchise.
Ghost 1x2x3A 1x2x3 in shape of a Ghost with feet.

Ghost 2-Layer Rounded Cheese CakeThe bumped variant of the Cheese (deepcut trigonal prism with two layers), placed in midturn.
Ghost 2x3x3 OctahedronA 2x3x3 transformed into an octahedron and "ghosted" along the way.
Ghost Ball 4x4x4A Ghost 4x4x4 in shape of a ball.

Ghost Chimera GiantA ghosted version of the Chimera Giant
Ghost Cube 2x3x3A Ghost Domino in shape of a cube.
Ghost Curvy 4x4x4A ghosted 4x4x4 with three spirals

Ghost Elite SkewbA ghosted version of the Elite Skewb
Ghost Hexagonal 2x2x2A 2x2x2 in shape of a hexagonal prism and ghosted.
Ghost Master AIA ghosted version of the Chimera 2x2+6x6

Ghost Megaminx BiconeA ghosted variant of the megaminx in shape of a bicone.
Ghost Octahedron 4x4x4A Ghost 4x4x4 transformed into an octahedron.
Ghost Tetrahedron 5x5x5The ghosted variant of the Ultramorphix.

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