Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

2x4x4 Crazy YilengThe concept of the Fisher Axis Cube applied to a 2x4x4.
2x4x4 Dragon EggA 4x4x4 bandaged into a 2x4x4 and resembling a large fantasy-like egg.
2x4x4 Fisher CrazyA 4x4x4 in a cleverly disguised new shape.

2x4x6 (square cuboid)A 2x4x6 in shape of a square cuboid
2x4x6 Ghost CubeA 2x4x6 in shape of a cube and ghosted.
2x5x5 (bandaged 5x5x5)A 2x5x5 implemented by bandaging a 5x5x5 asymmetrically.

2x6x8A fully functional cuboid hand made from a 8x8x8.
2x8x10A cuboid with strange dimensions.
3 Color Circles Cube 2x2x2A 2x2x2 with six sides but only three colours.

3 Solutions Cube 2x2x2A 2x2x2 with three different solutions.
3-Layer PentahedronA triangular prism with three layers and cuts like Rubik's Cheese.
3x3x3 AzulejosA 3x3x3 covered with glued resin pieces. Each tile is different, although each face is made up of tiles with common characteristics in colour or shape.

3x3x3 BludgerA spherical 3x3x3 inspired in the Bludger ball of the Harry Potter movies.
3x3x3 CrazyminxA Pentacle Cube with smaller circles than the original.
3x3x3 Deep Truncated CubeA deeper cut variant of Sharp Corners 8800101000.

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