Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Circle puzzle extraTwo circles rotating by 90� and one small circle rotating by 180�.
Circuit CubeThis cube shows stickers that are designed based on lines instead of shapes and looks like a circuit board.
Clover (2D with floating or ghost axes)A 2D puzzles with floating or ghost axes.

Clover IcosahedronA face turning icosahedron with spherical cuts and only two types of pieces.
Clover Pyraminx PenroseA Clover Pyraminx truncated on two edges.
CloverhedronThe Helicopter Cube reduced to the edge and X-pieces and transformed into a dodecahedron.

Cluster 3x3x3A large 2x2x2 with a 3x3x3 integrated into each cubie.
Coach CubeA modern 3x3x3 with removable covers that are used to teach the user solving the cube.
ConcentricubeA cube with stickers that show differently-sized concentric shapes.

Cone Ice CreamA 2x2x2 in a shape between a cone and a sphere.
CopterstarA cube that combines the sides of the Pentacle Cube with a Helicopter cube.
Core Skewb V2A skewb in shape of an elongated tricylinder.

Core skewbA Skewb transformed into the shape of a tricross.
Counter TwistColours rearranged on a proportional Twist Cubies run counter to the physical twist.
Crawl cubeAn axised master skewb

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