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2x3x4 (semi fully functional)
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Another 2x3x4. Compared with the first (by Tony Fisher) this can change its shape in a limited way only.

Although this is not the first cuboids with dimensions 2x3x4 it is the first which does allow for shape changing moves in a more limited way:
After a 90° turn of a 2x4 face, only one axis allows a 180° turn of one half of the puzzle. This axis goes through the centre of a 3x4 face. The first 2x3x4s (by Tony Fisher) are 4x4x4s in disguise which explains their additional abilities.
Tony Fisher's version is called "fully functional 2x3x4" while Traiphum's can be called "semi fully functional". Nevertheless, it can reach all possible configurations as a truly full functional version.

This new variant was made with a new handbuilt mechanism inspired by the Domino.
Size: 74 x 56 x 36 mm
Weight: 108 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: Andreas Nortmann, Konrad.


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