Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Shen longA 2x2x2 in shape of a dragon head with the fitting stand.
Shooting StarA pentultimate with inverted faces and extended corner, transforming the shape into a Rhombic Hexecontahedron.
Si XiangA Duomo customly painted with figures steeming from chinese mythological.

Siamese Fisher+WindmillA Fisher Cube and a Windmill Cube fused into a Siamese puzzle
Siamese Square-1 IITwo samples of the Square-1 fused into one common puzzle.
Silver BirdA ghosted 1x2x3 in shape of an octahedron.

Six Spot BarrelThe Six Spot Cube transformed into the shape of a cylinder.
Six Spot Esf�ricoA Six Spot Cube transformed into a sphere
Six Spot MirrorThe Six Spot Cube combined with the concept of the bump cube (aka: Mirror Cube)

Six Spot TetreadroA Six Spot Cube transformed into the shape of a tetrahedron
Skewb Esférico Spikes X HollowA Skewb sphere with spikes on every piece.
Skewb Esférico X HollowA Skewb sphere with spikes on the corners.

Skewb IllusionThe concept of the Illusion cube applied to a skewb.
Skewb Mirror HollowA Skewb combining the concepts of the bump cube and the inventor's concept of hollow pieces.
Skewb Tiles InversosA Skewb with tiles glued on that are shaped like inverse blind pieces.

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