Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Marbles
Ten Billion Barrel - 42 mmA very small version of the ten billion barrel with key chain.
Ten Billion Barrel Key ChainThis keychain version stands at about 30 mm.
Ten Billion Barrel X4 (10 layers)A ten billion barrel with ten layers which is five times the size of the original puzzle.

Ten Billion Barrel X7A ten billion barrel with fourteen layers which is seven times the size of the original puzzle.
Ten billion 2/3A ten billion barrel with only two colums to push the marbles up and down.
Ten billion barrel with restricted movesA ten billion Barrel with two rods extended by the size of one marble.

Ten billion holeA Nintendo ten billion barrel transformed into a varikon puzzle.
Threaded LoopsTwo loops of pieces with three interchangeable half circles and a unique threaded piece that causes two loops to move in opposite directions.
Top Spin rulerA chinese clone of Top Spin, integrated into a transparent ruler.

Top-Spin"Just put the numbers in order"... sounds a lot easier than it is!
Top-Spin (chinese)A clone of the Top Spin with chinese origin.
Trio (wood)A puzzle totally made from wood. With bandaged marbles.

Trio 2An improvemente of the original Trio by clevertoys.
TriphoneA cornerless Cube with six rubber bands connecting opposite edges.
Tsvet Za TsvetA Russian derivate of Top Spin.
Russian label states that it's name is "Colour by colour"

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