Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Vortex 2x2x2A sticker variant of the 2x2x2 done by hand.
Vortex 2x2x2 V2A sticker variant of the 2x2x2 done by hand.
WALL-E cubeA 3x3x3 depicting the main character from the equally name animated movie.

WFW Hexagonal dipyramidPieces of a Windmill Cube and a Fisher Cube (hence WFW) combined and then truncated into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.
Wall Cube 4x4x5A 4x4x5 truncated into the shape of a hexahedron. Its solved state is truely a midtwist state.
Wall Cube 5x5x5 MDF Out LineA 5x5x5 covered with laser cut wooden pieces.

Wall Cube MDFA bandaged 4x4x4 covered with laser cut wooden pieces.
Wall IcosahedronA 2x2x5 in shape of an icosahedron, stickered like a wall cube.
Wall Tower CubeA 2x3x3 truncated on two sides and stickered as a midturn puzzle.

Wall ZockA combination of Fisherzock and Wildzock into another cube.
Wall-minxA megaminx with three sides twisted inside the shape.
Wallace & Gromit Mini MagicA custom made magic depicting the famous clay animation "Wallace & Gromit".

WassertropfenA cross between the 3x3x3 and an octagonal prism. One truncated edge set of three pieces was replaced with non-truncated set.
WatchmenA Zock cube painted with images from the DC comics masterpiece.
Wave-Stickered Truncated CubeA 3x3x3 truncated on all eight corners and stickered with special custom made stickers.

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