Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Gear Ball In A CubeA mass produced Gear Cube truncated into a sphere. The corner pieces were subsequently replaced with pieces giving the puzzle the look of a 2x2x2 with holes.
Gear BiconeA gear Cube truncated into the shape of a bicone.
Gear Displaced CylinderA Gear Cube placed in midturn and then reshaped into a cylinder.

Gear Extreme PenroseA Gear Cube Extreme truncated into three round surfaces in a spiral pattern.
Gear Master ExtremeThe Gear Cube Extreme reshaped into a pillowed Mastermorphix.
Gear SculptureA Gear Cube truncated into the shape of a rounded stellated octahedron.

Gear Shift PenroseA Gear Shift truncated into the shape of a Penrose Cube.
Gear SphereA Gear Cube truncated into the shape of a sphere.
Gear Steinmetz SolidA Gear cube truncated into the shape of the namegiving solid. Its alternative name is Tri cylinder.

Gear TetraminxA Gear Pyraminx truncated into a shape resembling an archimedean solid.
Gear Up4 circular plates connected by different gearing ratios.
Gears MirrorThe Gear Cube combined with the concept of the Bump Cube

Gears TruncatedA Gear cube in shape of a half truncated cube.
Gem V DodecahedronA Dayan Gem V in shape of a dodecahedron.
Gem V rhombicuboctahedronA truncated 4x4x4.

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