Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Santa SpinA combination of a 2x2x2 and an eight different interlocking puzzles.
Sash CubeA sticker variant designed to look like a sash wrapping itself around the cube.
Saturn (piece shuffle)A piece shuffle between two spherical 3x3x3s with different sizes.

Saturn Cube DoubleA 3x3x3 with two rings (taken from the saturn cube) applied.
Saturn Cube Double OctagonAn octagonal prism with two rings known from the saturn cube.
Saturn Cube TripleA 3x3x3 with three rings (taken from the saturn cube) applied.

Saturn cubeA ring of extensions normally used for a fisher cube applied to make up a ring around a 3x3x3.
Sayayin capsuleA spherical megaminx resembling a the namegiving capsule from a famous anime franchise.
Scatter Pattern Mirror BlocksA sticker variant of the Bump Cube which is more modern cube art.

Scrabble CubeA 3x3x3 stickered as if blocks of the famous name-giving game were glued on.
Scrambled 3x3x7 OctagonAn unproportional 3x3x7 truncated into the shape of an octagon.
Secret of AtlantisOne sample of a magic-myth-puzzle which is a RubiksMagic with an odd number of tiles. This one has 9 tiles.

Seed 33 layer cheese in the shape of the Seed.
Self Solving Rubik's CubeA 3x3x3 that solves itself.
Semi fischer 5x5x5A 5x5x5 of which three layers have been turned and reshaped to fit the unchanged top and bottom layers.

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