Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Pretender CubeAn Eastsheen 4x4x4 modified to look like a 5x5x5 it internally is. The internal bandaging was NOT removed.
Prism of KhafreThis is a more bandaged version of a Biaxial 3x3x3 Prism, second in the inventor's series of prisms.
Prism of MenkaureA trivial triangular prism made from a failed 3x3x3 modification. A heavily bandaged puzzle.

Priss of the Knight SabresA Master Magic with the custom motive depicting a manga character.
PristrixA Rubiks Domino transformed into a triangular prism.
ProcyonTwo intersecting circles rotatable in five steps of unequal angle.

Professor Axis CubeAn "axised" Eastsheen 5x5x5.
Professor BiCubeSimilar bandaging as the BiCube applied to a 5x5x5.
Professor BiconeA bicone made from a 5x5x5.

Professor CuboctahedronA 5x5x5 truncated into a cuboctahedron.
Professor Cuboctahedron WindmillA Professor Windmill truncated into the shape of cuboctahedron which is an archimedean solid.
Professor Fisher BarrelThe Fisher Cylinder implemented with a 5x5x5.

Professor Ghost CubeThe higher order brother of the Ghost Cube. Made from a 5x5x5.
Professor Greenhills OctahedronA 5x5x5 truncated and extended into the higher order equivalent of Greenhills octahedron.
Professor Hex PrismA 5x5x5 transformed into the shape of a hexagonal prism.

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