Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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3x5x5 (Cubic)Not a bandaged 6x6x6 but a built from scratch cuboid.
Barreled BoltA Floppy Cube with bolts that are screwed in and out of the puzzle during their turn.
Big KahunaThe first fully functional faceturning rhombic triacontahedron.

Bump GigaminxThe concept of the Bump Cube (aka Mirror Blocks) adapated to a Gigaminx.
Celtic CubeAlso named "cubic face turning deltoidal icositetrahedron"
ComboctahedronA hybrid puzzle. It looks like the face turning octahedron and the magic octahedron but allows the moves from both puzzles.

Crazy Rhomdo PlusCombination of Crazy Doderhombus and Rhomdo. A DIY-kit.
Cube 3-compoundA hybrid puzzle which combines two axis systems and has a perfectly fitting shape.
DeFTIA Deeper Face Turning Icosahedron. The short form of this gives the puzzle its name.

Dial DinoA Dino Cube with twelve gears turned by one halve of the turns.
Dino StarminxA hybrid puzzle which looks like the Dino dodecahedron or the starminx. It combines the turns from both puzzles.
ETO+The edge turning octahedron with one level of unbandaging.

ETO++The edge turning octahedron with two levels of unbandaging.
ETRD++The edge turning rhombic dodecaheron redesigned with two layers of unbandaging.
Edge Turning Rhombic DodecahedronThe face turning deltoidal Icositetrahedron transformed into the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.

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