Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Twelve-Sided: Other
Pandora Hexagonal Dipyramid CubeA Pandora Cube (itself a 3x3x3) truncated into the shape of a Hexagonal dipyramid.
Pentagonal antiprismA 2x2x3 in shape of a pentagonal antiprism.
PentatrisA megaminx in shape of a pentagonal antiprism.

PetamoidInspired by the Megamoid come here the higher order version.
ProtomoidA megaminx reduced on two sides and bandaged on ten corners.
Psico CubeA shape transformed 3x3x3 with a strange but still symmetric shape.

Pyramid PillowA custom made pillow cube with two little pyramids on the two tips of the puzzle.
QuadStarQuadStar is a non-shape-shifting jumbling puzzle based on the snub disphenoid, elongated at the four five-way vertices.
Quirky Gem IIA 1x2x2 that allows 60�-turns and eight additional rotations that sometimes jumble and sometimes not.

Raptor StoneA shape variant of rhombic raptor.
Rex Cube Hexagonal DipyramidA Rex Cube truncated in to the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.
RhomdoA fully functional face turning trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron. An almost jumbling-only puzzle.

Rhomdo PlusA Rhomdo with one set of additional split between pieces.
Rhomdo TransformerA hybrid puzzle but not in the classical meaning of the word. It takes an awkward axis system and makes it more awkward.
Rhomdo Transformer UnbandagedOscar van Deventer's Rhomdo Transformer with one level of unbandaging

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