Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Twelve-Sided: Other
Crazy Rhomdo PlusCombination of Crazy Doderhombus and Rhomdo. A DIY-kit.
Cubic 3x3x5 Hexagonal DipyramidA cubic 3x3x5 truncated into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.
Cushion CubeA 3x3x3 truncated on four corners.

Dave's DiamondAn edge turning hexagonal dipyramid sliced through the origin.
Dave's Diamond 3x3x3A 3x3x3 version of Dave's Diamond.
Dave's Diamond IIA hexagonal dipyramid proportioned such that two offset sets of axes intersect at 90 degrees.

Deca CrownAn edge turning dodecahedron, hollowed and radically truncated on two sides and with only ten edges turning.
Decagonal PentultimateA Pentultimate transformed into the shape of a decagonal prism.
Decagonal prism Skewb - Extended Ultimate Skewb 1557FE0FFC00003FF07FEAA8000Another Ultimate Skewb with extensions. This time the result is a decagonal prism.

Diamond Time WheelMoyu Fisher Time Wheel in shape of hexagonal dipyramid.
Diamond minxA megaminx with one side shaved off but he other eleven still working.
Diamond of PainA 1-layered hexagonal dipyramid or a one layered Square-1 alternative. It can also swap bottom to the top and it has 6 colours.

Dino Hexagonal DipyramidSix cuts on a Dino Cube transform it into a highly attractive shape variant.
Dino Pentagonal BifrustumA truncated pentagonal dipyramid with a mechanism borrowed from the Dino Dodecahedron.
Distorted DodecahedronA uniformly-coloured 3x3x3 in shape of a non-platonic dodecahedron.

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