Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Nickel-leather cube (uncoloured)A 3x3x3 made from metal with (uncoloured) leather insets.
Nightmare 3x3x3Although it may appear to be a normal 3x3x3, It's actually bandaged internally.
Nightmare CubeLooks like a 2x2x2 but it is a bandaged 3x3x3 in disguise.

Nikon CoolpixThis small cube features three cameras from the Nikon Coolpix series.
Nine Color CubeA unique cube with nine colours distributed on the six faces.
Nine Color Scramble CubeNine sets of stickers with 6 stickers each distributed over a 3x3x3. The goal is to completely scramble this variant.

Nine Colour Sudoku cubeA 3x3x3 with custom stickers inspired by sudoku.
Nine colour cubeA custom sticker variant with nine colours in a pattern of patches of equal sizes.
NineElevenCubeA cube commemorating the attack on the WTC in 2001. The images are printed directly on the sides.

NinjaminxA 3x3x3 in shape of a tetrahedron but without face pieces.
Nintendo Super Mario Kart MiniShowing symbols known from the racing game inspired by the Super Mario franchise.
Non Proportional OctahedronNot a Trajber's Octahedron but a flat cousin of it.

Non Rectangle TwilighterA 3x3x3 truncated on six of its eight corners.
Non-Bandaged Siamese CubeTwo 3x3x3's fused together to share not a single piece.
Non-regular DodecahedronA 3x3x3 truncated six times with two different truncation patterns.

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