Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Crazy Helix CubeThis cube is made inspired by the crazy yileng (a mass produced fisher cube mod) but is made of a cube 3x3x3.
Crazy Yileng Ghost BarrelA MoYU Crazy Fisher turned into a Ghost Cube and then turned into a Barrel. All pieces have a symmetric version that is exactly the inverse.
Crazy Yileng hexagonal prismA Fisher Axis Cube transformed into the shape of a hexagonal prism.

Crono CubeBandaged cube with two blocks of 2 pieces and four blocks of 4 pieces.
Cross Window Cube 2016Another implementation of the Cross Window Cube but with eight different cubes.
Cross Windows CubeEight 3x3x3s connected with twelve bridges each consisting of a single cubie glued to the adjacent corners.

CrosskubeTwo fishered 2x2x2s fused into one compound solid.
Crystal (aka Diamond) (cartoons)Small taiwanese version with cartoon characters on it.
Crystal (aka Diamond) (monsters)Large Taiwanese version with Pocket Monster cartoon characters on it.

Crystal 3x3x3 C4Extended version of the normal Crystal 3x3x3.
Crystal CubeThe mass produced cousin of the Lite Cube. A transparent cube with an internal lightsource triggered by rotation.
Crystal Cube - Small MeteorA 3x3x3 cube with dramatically shaved down corners and center cubie attachments.

Crystal Cube with Gold KeyA 3x3x3 with transparent body and a key to easily assemble the cube.
Crystal PuzzlueAn Octagon with a strange name, presumably a knockoff from the original cube craze.
Cráneo EslovacoA 3x3x3 redesigned into a skull with coat of arms of the client's home country.

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