Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Japanese child facesA cube of japanese origin from the original cube craze show children faces.
Jay ChouAdvertising for the taiwanese musician

Jet DiamondA "Corner Cube" transformed into an octahedron.
Jet StarA "Corner Cube" transformed into a stellated octahedron.

Jewel OctahedronAn edges only 3x3x3 in shape of a negatively stellated octahedron. It is the octahedral equivalent of the Alexander Star.
JeybarrelA ''Crazy Fisher Cube'', in it's second solved state, modified into a cylinder.
JigSaw CubeA 3x3x3 covered handmade pieces that resemble a jigsaw.

Jim BeamTwo slightly different cubes advertising for the Whisky brand.
JinJiao CubeA mass produced concave 3x3x3
Jingling Ring-ting-tingling 3x3x3 CubeA 3x3x3 solved by sound. Without electronics.

Johnson FollyA simple two colour pseudorhombicuboctahedron puzzle with 3x3x3 core and a misleading solve state.
Joke 3x3x3 on a standA 3x3x3 redesigned and 3D printed with the stand directly attached to the pieces.
Joker CubeA 3x3x3 encapsulated with a 2x2x2 which pieces have cutouts showing the four suits of a french playing card deck.

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