Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Hybrid (face- and corner-turning hexahedron)
Super Z (Skewb + 2x2x2)A hybrid between 2x2x2 and skewb. Two deepcut axis systems in one puzzle.
Super Z DodecahedronThe Super Z transformed into a dodecahedron.
Super Z IcosahedronThe Super Z transformed into an icosahedron.

Super Z Mental BlockThe Super Z twsited by 45� inside the solid and transformed into a cuboid.
SuperZ OctaA Super Z in shape of an octahedron.
Superchop TetrahedronThe first puzzle which supports two traditional axis systems (both deep cut) of a tetrahedron.

Tetracopter 12XDA version of the Tetracopter 12, deeper cut on the 90 degree capable axes. A bandaged hybrid of face turning and corner turning cube.
TetrahexaminxA vertex-turning tetrakis hexahedron.
Tetrahexaminx IIA vertex-turning tetrakis hexahedron with different cutting depth.

TetrasectA 3x3x3 with corner turns that do not intersect with each other.
Trefoil TetrahedronA tetrahedron combining the cuts of a Pyraminx with a Pyramorphix.
Triakis TetracopterA Triakis Tetrahedron that allows face and corner turns.

TriangularityA face- corner- and edge turning tetrahedron with a super sticker scheme.
UnicornA Rhino Cube with different cuts.
Unicorn 2x2x2The Unicorn implemented with a 2x2x2 instead of a 3x3x3.

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