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Stier3D printed pieces glued onto a skewb giving it the shape of a bull.
Stone SkewbA uniformly coloured Skewb looking like stone.
Strombic HexecontahedronA skewb in shape of the namegiving solid which is a catalan solid also known as "Deltoidal hexecontahedron".

Sudoku DiamondThe concept of Sudoku applied to a Skewb Diamond.
Super IvyAn Ivy Cube with 'super' stickers to show the orientation of the faces.
Super Ivy Eye (IVI)Additional cuts and stickering on an Ivy Eye raises the complexity of the Ivy Cube (Eye Skewb) to that of a Skewb Ultimate

Super Offset Dodecahedron SkewbA dodecahedral skewb with deeper cuts than the origin, but in which all pieces are still visible.
SupernovaSame as Nova?
Symmetrical Associahedron SkewbA skewb in the namegiving shape but this time in a symmetrical design.

Szerencsekerék BallA spherical Skewb advertising the hungarian version of "Wheel of Fortune"
TSI SkewbA 3D printed skewb in the shape of a tetrahedrally stellated icosahedron, also known as a tetrahedrally diminished dodecahedron.
TakarékszövetkezetA skewb in shape of ball with the inscriptions of a hungarian bank.

TempestA skewb painted to resemble a maze and the works of Kandinsky.
Tetrahedron (Halpern-Meier-Tetrahedron)Another custom Skewb mod by Tony Fisher with a complicated history.
Tetrahedron 5-CompoundA skewb in shape of a star known as "Compound of five tetrahedra".

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