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Octagonal Prism SkewbA skewb transformed into the shape of an octagonal prism.
Octahedral extended RhombicDodecahedronSkewbA rhombic dodecahedron skewb with 4 faces "deleted" be extending.
Octahedron 4-CompoundA skewb in shape of the namegiving solid.

Octahedron 5-Compound SkewbA skewb in the shape of the namegiving solid.
Offset Clover PyraminxA Flying Shuttle, customly painted with motives from Warhammer 40K.
Offset SkewbA Skewb with rectangular centers and four enlarged corners.

OneWorld by JD EdwardsA sphere with mechanism of a skewb which advertises a software from turn of the century.
Ornamental SkewbA Skewb transformed into a Super Skewb by gluing "rooftops" onto the square pieces and stickering them apropriately.
Pandora PyraminxA cousin of Duomo designed after the inventor was inspired by the Pandora Cube.

ParaskewbThe "half-truncated"-modification of the skewb.
Peanut Skewb Very easy truncation of an Ultimate Skewb.
Penrose SkewbA Skewb truncated into three round surfaces in a spiral pattern.

Penta BlockA skewb in shape of a pentagonal prism. Inspired by the Mental Block.
Pentagonal Dipyramid SkewbA skewb in the namegiving shape.
Pentagonal HexecontahedronA skewb in shape of the namegiving solid which is a catalan solid.

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