Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Pentagonal Mirror SkewbA Skewb in shape of a pentagonal prism, the bumped variant.
Pentagonal Pyramid SkewbAn Ultimate Skewb with 6 sides "deleted".
Pentagonal Trapezohedron SkewbAn Ultimate Skewb with 2 sides deleted. The result is a pentagonal trapezohedron.

Pentakis Dodecahedron (Skewb)A skewb in shape of the namegiving solid which is a catalan solid.
Pillow SkewbA skewb diamond with two tips cut down to square pieces.
Pillowed Crystal ContainerA rebuilt X-Block with indentations.

Pine ConeA skewb in a shape resembling the puzzles name.
Plateus BipolarA skewb (more precise: an Ultimate Skewb) in shape of a triangular dipyramid.
Pokeball skewbA Bump Skewb shifted inside the solid, painted like pokeball.

PolymorphinxA mass produced piece shuffle. The pieces of a skewb and a skewb ultimate were exchanged.
Puck Ghost SkewbA ghosted Skewb in shape of a flat cylinder.
PyraChairThe concept of Double twist cube applied to a skewb.

PyrabrickA fishered Halper-Meier-Tetrahedron.
PyracueA Skewb variation built by Hiroshi Ishino and presented by Katsuhiko Okamoto.
Pyramid Pentahedron Tower (3x3)A Skewb transformed into a pyramid with a square base resembling a 3x3x3.

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