Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Advanced Search Results
PlanetariumA doctrinaire puzzle with 4 axes and 7-fold rotations.
RotoPrism HexThree axes which sometimes allow for 60° turns.
Shallow DiamondTwo face turning cubes fused into one axis system.

Shallow Diamond (fudged)The fudged version of Shallow Diamond
Skyglobe UltimateTwelve segments, one rotating circle and one moving hole.
TetragramFour axes and four effective sides with the cutting pattern of a Starminx II.

Tetragram IIThe Tetragram with curvy cuts that make two types of pieces visible and one additional turn.
TraoctrixA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and octagonal pieces.
TridecalisA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and decagonal pieces.

Vertex turning hexagonal antiprismNamed after its axis system. A jumbling only puzzle.

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