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Help us - A biaxe for solidarity
Above:View 1
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Variant with a shallower cut than the Timur Evbatyrov’s Trapentrix.

From a technical point of view, it is a doctrinaire puzzle, with two axes, with threefold rotation, cut deeper than the origin and pentagonal pieces. All 30 pieces visible, including the core.

The designer would like this puzzle to become a vehicle for raising funds and expressing support for the Ukrainian people and has decided to make the files for its construction available to anyone who wants them, inviting everyone, whether they download it or not, to become super-heroes and make a financial contribution to an NGO they trust and that can channel their aid to the Ukrainian people.

This also explains several views:
View 1: Ukrainian flag
View 3: Heroes of the world Help us!
View 4: Peace on all continents



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: francisco bedmar alvarez.


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