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A corner turning cuboid designed to be a puzzle with a multi-origin-core. The second implementation of this concept.

After Bubbloid122 this is the second implementation of the concept of a shape-preserving corner turning cuboid.
The difference between the two variants are the number of pieces shared on moves in the same edge.
In this case the edges of two dimensions have one piece shared between adjacent moves. The edges of the third dimension have two pieces shared between adjacent moves.

In July 2016, it was announced that it would be mass produced by Calvin's Puzzle as the "Bubbloid 5x5x4".

Original version:
Edge length (short edge): 60 mm
Edge length (long edge): 72.4 mm
Weight: 102.7 grams

Mass produced version:
Edge length (short edge): 62 mm
Edge length (long edge): 74 mm
Weight: 209 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: Andreas Nortmann.


This puzzle can be found in collections of these members:

dzhoshi: My collection
harleythedragon: HarleyTheDragon's Puzzles
scharlton: My Collection
Andreas Nortmann: Andreas' collection
matthewdgibbs: Matthew's Collection
TylerMcDaniels: Tyler's Collection
MyDogCharlie: My puzzle collection
Joe Andrews: Joe's Collection
Frank Tiex: Frank's Collection

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