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Rubik's Logic
Above:German version
Click a thumbnail to see its larger version and description.
A two player game. A single Cubes is rotated in every move.

This is another non-solitaire game which emerged during the cube craze in the early eighties. The precise year is so far unknown and therefore an uppper bound is given.
The objective of the game is to create a row of three cubes with your colour which all show an identical colour on their top face. Every player may move only his own cubes.
Like the other board games marketed under the name "Rubik" in the 1980s it was produced in more than one language.
German version: "Rubiks Logic"
English version: "Rubik's Line up"



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: Andreas Nortmann, Lawrence Cuthbert.


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