Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

6x8x8A pillowed 6x8x8. Made by hand from a 8x8x8.
6x8x8 (extended 6x6x6)A 6x6x6 extended to look like a 6x8x8.
7x7x7 Ball in a cubeA 7x7x7 almost truncated into the shape of a sphere.

7x7x7 BarrelA 7x7x7 truncated into the shape of a barrel, aka pillowed cylinder.
7x7x7 BiconeA 7x7x7 cube truncated into the shape of a Bicone.
7x7x7 Fisher CubeA 7x7x7 is fishered which means it was turnd inside its solid by 45°.

7x7x7 Ghost CubeThe higher order brother of the Ghost Cube. Made from a 7x7x7.
7x7x7 Hi-Vis CubeA sticker variant of a 7x7x7 implemented with just two colours.
7x7x7 IcosahedronA straightforward shape transformation.

7x7x7 Illusion Cube with two colour corners (stickered)A V-Cube Illusion without pillowed shape and with two-coloured corners and stickers applied.
7x7x7 Open BandageA bandaged 7x7x7 with a big part of the puzzle removed.
7x7x7 Penrose CubeA 7x7x7 truncated into three round surfaces in a spiral pattern.

7x7x7 V-BallA 7x7x7 truncated in the shape of a sphere.
7x7x7 V-SculptureA V-Cube 7x7x7 modified into a solid similar to a stellated octahedron.
7x7x7 illusion cube with two colour cornersA V-Cube Illusion without pillowed shape and with two-coloured corners.

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