Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Pyraminx Ultimate StickersPyraminx with Ultimate sticker pattern.
Pyraminx with hexagonsA Pyraminx truncated into an unnamed shape which shows several hexagons.
Pyraminx with tripletsA Pyraminx with three pyramorphixes attached.

PyramoidA Master Pyraminx reduced by two piece types.
Pyramorphix UltimatePyramorphix with Ultimate stickers.
Pyramus & ThisbeA puzzle which is based on the fourth dimensional symmetry (edge-transitivity) of the 4D polytope Tetrahedral prism

Pyraquarter4 pieces tetrahedral puzzle.
Pyrhombic CrystalA Tetraminx truncated into the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.
PyricosaminxA Pyraminx truncated into the shape of an icosahedron.

Pyros 26A 3x3x3 with tetrahedra instead of cubies.
Pétalo 2x4x4 mirrorA 2x4x4 transformed into the shape of a circled cube but shifted
QR-Code CubeA custom sticker variant showing six different 2D-barcodes.

Quad 3 Bump CubeA Horror Bump Cube bandaged like a Bandaged 3.
Quad 3 Horror Bump CubeA Horror Bump Cube bandaged like a Quad 3.
Quad-XAn edge turning hexahedron with cuts deeper than the Helicopter Cube.

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