Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

PilinxA Megaminx in shape of a pill.
PillarminxA Pyraminx in the shape of a cuboid.
Pillowed 2x2x2A shape transformation of the 2x2x2

Pillowed 5x5x5An Eastsheen 5x5x5 with extensions to change its shape into a pillowed hexahedron.
Pillowed Crystal ContainerA rebuilt X-Block with indentations.
Pillowed Half Truncated CubeA Half Truncated Cube further truncated into a pillowed shape.

Pillowed Triangular PrismA Pyraminx in shape of a triangular prism with pillowed faces instead of perfect squares.
Pillowed Windmill Tetrahedron A handbuilt windmill cube truncated into a pillowed tetrahedron.
Pin cubeA cube dangerous to speedsolve.

Pine ConeA skewb in a shape resembling the puzzles name.
Pineapple 2x2x2 Rubik's CubeA pineapple cut up and then rebuilt around a 2x2x2. A temporary puzzle.
Pink Floyd albumsA Windmill Wall Cube covered with album covers from Pink Floyd.

Pinwheel CubeA 2x2x2 with four extensions consisting of two cubies each.
Pioneer 11 A hexagonal dipyramid 5x5x5 truncated on both tips.
Pioneer 11 2x2x2This is a hexagonal dipyramid with both tips truncated, puzzle was made from an Eastsheen 2x2x2 cube.

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